Custom Educational Resources
For teachers, universities, and educators
Bespoke schematics, PCBs, and instructions for classrooms, workshops, and courses
Our Educational Services
Custom Kit Design & Manufacture
Finding the perfect kit for your lesson plan can be challenging, and designing kits from scratch is a long, tedious process requiring manufacturing expertise and time.
Our years of experience in educational kit design, PCB layout, and schematic capture enable us to develop your custom designs at speed.
From component selection to final kitting, we handle the entire development and manufacturing cycle of bespoke kits, so you can spend time on what matters most; educating future engineers.
Instructions & Documentation
Electronic kits are only as good as their instructions, and many electronic kits on the market rarely come with quality documentation.
No matter the complexity of a circuit, our instructions break down circuits into individual, easy-to-digest blocks and clearly describe the function of every component.
Our expertise in circuit explanation and kit-building instructions for bespoke electronic kits removes the need for educators to spend time creating resources to go with their own custom designs,.
Additional Resources
The nature of education is changing, with books and text quickly being replaced with videos and interactive examples.
Our in-house video production capabilities can be used with bespoke electronic kits and resources to make electronics more engaging for students.
Additional resources for bespoke designs also include exam questions specific to a custom design, lesson plans, teaching aids, software tutorials, and 3D STL and project files for combining electronics with other engineering disciplines.
Suitable For All Levels
GCSE & A-Level
Teaching the core principles of electronics is tough, especially when considering that many of these principles are abstract in nature. That’s why the best way to introduce new students to electronics is with hands-on, practical circuits.
Our bespoke kit service can help educators create all kinds of circuits, including basic switches, potential dividers, transistor amplifiers, and 555 timer circuits, all with test points, changeable parts, and powered from small batteries.
BTEC & T-Level
Introducing students to more advanced circuits such as operational amplifiers, oscillators, and combinational digital logic can often require the need for simulations. In addition to this, exam boards will typically require practicals that see students design their own circuits, construct them, and write up on their performance.
Our educational resources can provide both bespoke designs for students, as well as provide lesson plans, suggested designs, and simulation files. Thus, educators can spend more time on teaching the fundamentals.
HNC/D & Degree Programs
Students undertaking Higher National Diplomas and undergraduate degrees will be faced with some of the most complex circuit designs, and while theory can help students understand the function of a circuit, nothing can replace the real thing.
As students will be required to design and manufacture their own PCBs, our kitting and resource services can help students check their design files for manufacture, create BOMs, and kit their design so that all parts needed are delivered in a single box, complete with component identification, labelling, and additional resources.