NASA: Transistors on Europa Clipper Can’t Withstand Jupiter’s Radiation, Threatening Mission


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NASA: Transistors on Europa Clipper Can’t Withstand Jupiter’s Radiation, Threatening Mission

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The nature of space is unforgiving, which is why engineers that create circuits for space have to make sure they can survive intense radiation, the hard vacuum of space, and the wide temperature fluctuations that occur when facing the sun. However, for all the protections that engineers integrate into their designs, the intensities faced in space can sometimes be far too great, as one probe is currently experiencing around Jupiter. What challenges do electronics face in space, what exactly has happend with the craft around Jupiter, and what does this signal to engineers?

Space Electronics Face Major Challenges in Harsh Environment of Space

As early as the 1960s, humans have been sending robots and probes to many celestial bodies including Venus, Mars, Jupiter, comets, and even Pluto. Throughout this time, engineers have had to overcome numerous challenges, including issues with orbital trajectories, reliability of electronics in extended missions, and the need to amplify extremely weak radio signals from distant probes. Despite these challenges, engineers have managed to overcome these barriers, developing extraordinary systems that have empowered some of the most inspiring missions.

Building on these advancements, space exploration continues to evolve, with spacecraft technology undergoing major transformations over time. However, despite these advancements, electronics face numerous challenges when operating in the harsh environment of space, and these challenges are far from trivial.

Space radiation, for instance, has a major impact on electronics, causing single-event upsets, total ionizing dose effects, and displacement damage to components, resulting in malfunctions and failures. The intense nature of space radiation ensures continuous exposure to radiation, with no possibility of shielding from its effects.

The extreme temperature fluctuations in space also pose a major challenge to electronics. Intense heat from the sun can damage components, while the extreme cold can cause components to contract, leading to potential damage. The use of materials that can expand and contract without damaging electronic circuits is essential in space-based applications.

The vacuum of space also introduces numerous issues to electronics, including outgassing of materials, which can contaminate components and affect their performance. Additionally, the lack of air in space raises concerns about lubrication and cooling, essential for the proper functioning of electronic systems.

Finally, mechanical stress, including vibrations and shocks, that electronics experience during launch and operation, can lead to component failures and system malfunctions. The structural integrity of electronic systems must be ensured to prevent such failures, but the complex nature of electronic circuits makes this a major challenge.

Spacecraft Face Radiation Hardening Before Journey to Europa and Jupiter

The unforgiving nature of space means that engineers must integrate multiple layers of protection into circuits designed for space to survive intense radiation, the vacuum of space, and temperature fluctuations near the sun. While such protection methods are generally sufficient, the probe approaching Jupiter is not immune to the intense radiation surrounding the planet, and recent tests have revealed that the transistors being used in the Europa Clipper mission are not able to withstand this radiation.

The mission to explore Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, is designed to look for conditions suitable for life, and the spacecraft is equipped with numerous scientific instruments. However, the use of off-the-shelf transistors in these instruments has failed during recent radiation tests, leaving engineers with no choice but to redesign the electronics with radiation-hardened transistors. This redesign will not only cause delays in the mission but may also increase its cost.

The need for radiation-hardened components highlights the challenges faced when sending probes to deep space and the importance of thorough testing and preparation. Despite these challenges, the team remains committed to ensuring the success of the mission, which is scheduled to launch in the 2020s and provide new insights into the intriguing moon of Europa.

Innovating for the Future of Space Exploration: Overcoming the Challenges of Radiation Exposure

The revelation that the Europa Clipper mission is facing issues with radiation-hardened components serves as a crucial reminder of the challenges that engineers encounter in the field of space exploration. The need for such components in the mission’s electronic systems underscores the importance of innovation and adaptation in aerospace technology, emphasizing the necessity for continuous progress in ensuring the success of future missions.

The requirement for radiation-hardened transistors in the Europa Clipper’s systems highlights the significance of thorough testing protocols, advocating for more rigorous and comprehensive testing of electronic components before deployment. By mitigating the risks associated with potential malfunctions in critical spacecraft systems, engineers ensure the success of not only the Europa Clipper but also future missions, paving the way for more reliable and resilient spacecraft.

The quest for radiation-hardened components also underscores the importance of radiation shielding, with ongoing research in materials and designs offering improved protection against space radiation. By advancing radiation shielding technologies, engineers can enhance the durability and longevity of spacecraft, advancing the frontiers of space exploration and ensuring the success of future missions.

In addressing the challenges posed by radiation exposure, engineers must balance the costs of implementing advanced technologies against the risks of mission failures due to inadequate testing or protection. By optimizing the efficiency and effectiveness of space missions, engineers can minimize unnecessary expenditures while maximizing potential for success, a crucial consideration in the cost-effective operation of spacecraft.

The lessons learned from the Europa Clipper mission will serve as valuable knowledge for aspiring engineers and scientists, highlighting the importance of addressing technical challenges through innovation and collaboration. By overcoming such hurdles, the aerospace community can improve its ability to overcome future obstacles, fostering a culture of resilience and adaptability in the field.
